
By , 2008年2月26日 7:30 AM






[ロンドン 20日 ロイター] フィンランドの研究チームが20日、音楽が脳梗塞(こうそく)患者の早期回復を助けるという研究結果を専門誌ブレイン上で発表した。





1: Brain. 2008 Mar;131(Pt 3):866-76. Epub 2008 Feb 20.
Music listening enhances cognitive recovery and mood after middle cerebral artery stroke. Särkämö T, Tervaniemi M, Laitinen S, Forsblom A, Soinila S, Mikkonen M, Autti T, Silvennoinen HM, Erkkilä J, Laine M, Peretz I, Hietanen M.
Cognitive Brain Research Unit, Department of Psychology, PO Box 9 (Siltavuorenpenger 20 C), FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. teppo.sarkamo@helsinki.fi

We know from animal studies that a stimulating and enriched environment can enhance recovery after stroke, but little is known about the effects of an enriched sound environment on recovery from neural damage in humans. In humans, music listening activates a wide-spread bilateral network of brain regions related to attention, semantic processing, memory, motor functions, and emotional processing. Music exposure also enhances emotional and cognitive functioning in healthy subjects and in various clinical patient groups. The potential role of music in neurological rehabilitation, however, has not been systematically investigated. This single-blind, randomized, and controlled trial was designed to determine whether everyday music listening can facilitate the recovery of cognitive functions and mood after stroke. In the acute recovery phase, 60 patients with a left or right hemisphere middle cerebral artery (MCA) stroke were randomly assigned to a music group, a language group, or a control group. During the following two months, the music and language groups listened daily to self-selected music or audio books, respectively, while the control group received no listening material. In addition, all patients received standard medical care and rehabilitation. All patients underwent an extensive neuropsychological assessment, which included a wide range of cognitive tests as well as mood and quality of life questionnaires, one week (baseline), 3 months, and 6 months after the stroke. Fifty-four patients completed the study. Results showed that recovery in the domains of verbal memory and focused attention improved significantly more in the music group than in the language and control groups. The music group also experienced less depressed and confused mood than the control group. These findings demonstrate for the first time that music listening during the early post-stroke stage can enhance cognitive recovery and prevent negative mood. The neural mechanisms potentially underlying these effects are discussed.

PMID: 18287122 [PubMed – in process]



各群20人ずつなので nが少ないとか、音楽が認知出来ないくらいの意識障害でも効果はあるかとか、今後の課題はありますが、面白い研究でした。音楽を聴かせるだけなら、金がかかりませんよね。でも、日本だと大部屋が多いので、ヘッドホンを付けないと、嫌いな音楽を聴かされる周囲の人たちは気分が苛立つかもしれません。そして周囲からクレームが来ますね。また、聴きたい時に聴くというのも大事で、いくら好きな曲でも静かにしていて欲しい時に、聴かされるとイライラします。



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