Neurology and surrealism

By , 2013年10月31日 8:06 AM

これまで、「シュルレアリスム宣言」、「ナジャ」というエントリーで、シュルレアリスムの創始者 Bretonと神経学者 Babinskiの関係に触れてきました。

彼らの関係について、2012年に Brain誌が Occasional paperとして “Neurology and surrealism: André Breton and Joseph Babinski.” という論文を掲載しました。芸術家と医学の研究で権威である Bogousslavskyらのグループによる論文です。

Neurology and surrealism: André Breton and Joseph Babinski.

Brain. 2012 Dec;135(Pt 12):3830-8. doi: 10.1093/brain/aws118. Epub 2012 Jun 7.
Haan J, Koehler PJ, Bogousslavsky J.
Department of Neurology K5Q, Leiden University Medical Centre, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands.
Before he became the initiator of the surrealist movement, André Breton (1896-1966) studied medicine and worked as a student in several hospitals and as a stretcher bearer at the front during World War I. There he became interested in psychiatric diseases such as hysteria and psychosis, which later served as a source of inspiration for his surrealist writings and thoughts, in particular on automatic writing. Breton worked under Joseph Babinski at La Pitié, nearby La Salpêtrière, and became impressed by the ‘sacred fever’ of the famous neurologist. In this article, we describe the relationship between Breton and Babinski and try to trace back whether not only Breton’s psychiatric, but also his neurological experiences, have influenced surrealism. We hypothesize that Breton left medicine in 1920 partly as a consequence of his stay with Babinski.
PMID: 22685227

この論文を医局の抄読会で紹介しました。その時の資料として、簡単にエッセンスを日本語でまとめたので、PDFファイルで置いておきます。Babinski, Charcot, Claude, Parinaudといった神経学者の名前が登場する、非常に面白い論文です。原著が読める方は上記リンクから、そうでない方は下記の資料を御覧ください。

Neurology and surrealism (抄読会用配布資料 PDF)


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