Joint hypermobility

By , 2007年12月8日 4:43 PM


世界最高峰の医学雑誌の一つ、New England Journal of Medicineに気になる記事が載っていました。発表したのはロチェスター医科大学らのグループです。

Larsson LG, Baum J, Mudholkar GS. Benefits and disadvantage of joint hypermobility among musicians. N Engl J Med 329-1079-1082, 1993

最初に、Joint Hypermobilityについての定義がなされています。

Joint hypermobility, also kown as joint laxity and defined as a range of motion in excess of normal, is common enough to evoke curiosity, but until recently it has been little investigated because of its apparent harmlessness.

「Joint Hypermobility」は、関節が正常範囲を超えて動く事です。適当な日本語訳はわかりませんが、ニュアンスを汲んで、ここでは「関節過可動」と訳すことにします。要するに関節が過度に軟らかく、可動域が広いということになります。

Historically, it attracted the attention of Hippocrates, who speculated that Scythians were defeated in India because their joint hypermobility made it difficult for them to draw their bows or hurl their javelins. On the other hand, a marked hypermobility of the violin virtuoso Paganini to be a major factor in his accomplishment.



The frequency of joint hypermobility varies, but it is generally agreed that its occurrence depends on factors such as ethnic background, sex, and age. For example, in a study of male Iraqi students, 25 percent were considered to have joint hypermobility, defined as excessive mobility of at least three of five joints. On the other hand in study of 1181 black South Africans of all ages and both sexes, 5 percent had hypermobility, defined as involvement of at least four of nine joints. Sutro estimated that 4 percent of U.S. naval officers had joint hypermobility, defined as an “abnormal increase in the range of active and passive motion.” In general, hypermobility is more frequent among women than men and more frequent among children than adults.

民族や性別、年齢の影響を受けるようです。イラクの男子学生の 25%、南アフリカの黒人の 5%、アメリカ海軍将校の 4%ですからかなりばらつきがあります。世界に共通する診断基準がなく、それぞれの研究者が決めた基準に依っているところも影響しているのでしょうか。東アジア人のデータも欲しいところです。一般的には女性の方が男性に比べて関節が軟らかく、また子供の方が大人より軟らかいようです。この辺は感覚的にも理解出来ます。

Joint hypermobility has been considered benefical to ballet dancers and harmful to young athletes. We undertook a study of musicians to determine the possible relation between joint symptoms and hypermobility of their joints. Broadly speaking, the vocational activities of musicians are of two types. The first type consists primarily of fine repetitive motions involving little force – for example, playing the flute or violin; the second involves use of large muscles and substantial force – for example, playng percussion instruments.



We studied 660 students and staff members at the Eastman School of Music (Rochester, N.Y.). There were 300 women and 360 men, ranging in age from 14 to 68 years (mean [±SD], 25±9). These subject accounted for 85 percent of students and 69 percent of the staff members of the school; the remainder either declined to participate or could not be reached.

ロチェスターにあるイーストマン音楽院の学生とスタッフが被験者で、660人が参加したそうです。参加者は 14歳から 68歳に分布し、平均は 25歳くらいでした。細かい説明は省略します。

A 53-item questionnaire was used to interview the sujects about the musical instruments they played, the duration and intensity of their musical activity, and the nature of any musculoskeletal symptoms that they had while attending music school. The questions regarding musculoskeletal symptoms asked about thier frequency (e.g., daily or weekly) and the location and severity of symptoms such as pain, cramps, weakness, stiffness, and redness (e.g., whether they interfered with routine musical activity or required medication).


We examined the joints of each subject, using a modification of the Carter-Wilkinson protocol. The specific criteria for hypermobility were (1) passive hyperextension of the wrists so that the fingers, when dorsiflexed, were parallel to the dorsum of the forearm, (2) passive opposition of the thumbs so that they touched the flexor aspect of the forearm, (3) hyperextension of the elbows by 10 degrees or more beyond a straight line. (4) hyperextension of the knees by 10 degrees or more beyond a straight line, and (5) flexion of the trunk in a standing postion with the knee straight so that the palms rested on the floor. If the criteria for hypermobility of joint or joints were not met, the subject was considered not to have hypermobility. In the evaluation of upper extremities, only the dominant or playing side was examined. Our hypothesis was that hypermobility was benefical; therefore, any conclusion that it was benifical was based on the absence of symptoms.


The musicians usually practiced four to five hours daily. At this level of activity, 77 percent had daily symptoms such as pain, weakness, and fatigue in their extremities.

音楽家は通常、一日あたり 4-5時間の練習をしますが、77%の音楽家に四肢の痛み、筋力低下、だるさなどの症状があります。


Joint Hypermobility No Hypermobility P value
no. (%) of subjects no. (%) of subject
Wrist and fingers
 Symptoms 5 (5) 100 (18) 0.001
 No symptoms 91 (95) 464 (82)
 Total 96 564
 Symptoms 13 (6) 38 (9) 0.28
 No symptoms 207 (94) 402 (91)
 Total 220 440
Elbow  Elbow only
 Elbow only
  Symptoms 1(<1) 7 (2) 0.45
  No symptoms 207 (99) 445 (98)
  Total 208 452
  Symptoms 16 (8) 19 (4) 0.09
  No symptoms 192 (92) 433 (96)
  Total 208 452
 Symptoms 6 (5) 1 (<1)
 No symptoms 129 (95) 433 (96)
 Total 132 528
 Symptoms 46 (23) 50 (11)
 No symptoms 152 (77) 412 (89)
 Total 198 462

手首と指の関節過可動がない音楽家の 18%に何らかの筋骨格の症状がありますが、手首と指の関節過可動があると、同様の症状はたった 5%になります。一方、親指の関節過可動の有無は、症状の頻度と関係がありませんでした。肘について、主に侵されたのは肘に近い前腕近位部でした。肘部の関節過可動がある 208名のうち、1名 (<1%) に肘関節に限局した症状があり、16名 (8%) が前腕を含む症状がありました。肘の関節過可動がない 452名の症状は、肘関節と前腕を含む症状について、それぞれ 7名 (2%)、19名 (4%) でした。膝の関節過可動がある音楽家のうち、 5%が筋骨格の症状を訴え、それは膝の関節過可動のない音楽家で 1%未満だったのと比べて有意に多いものでした。

SEX Hypermobility No Hypermobility P value
no. (%) of subjects no. (%) of subject
 Symptoms 10 (21) 38 (12) 0.11
 No symptoms 38 (79) 274 (88)
 Total 48 312
 Symptoms 36 (24) 12 (8)
 No symptoms 114 (76) 138 (92)
 Total 150 150

脊椎に関しては、性差を含めて検討しています。背部に関連した症状を持つ音楽家の割合は、脊椎の関節過可動がある音楽家 (23%)の方が、関節過可動がない音楽家 (11%)に比べて有意に多いといえます。脊椎の関節過可動の頻度は、女性 (50%)の方が、男性 (13%)より著明に多く、女性の間での比較では、脊椎の関節過可動がある音楽家 (24%)の方が、ない音楽家 (8%)に比べて、症状を持つ頻度が有意に多いことがわかりました。

Instrument Hypermobility No Hypermobility
no. (%) of subjects no. (%) with hypermobile wrist and thumb
Flute 32 20 (63)
Violin, viola, or cello 168 82 (49)
Oboe, clarinet, or basson 59 28 (47)
Piano or organ 169 75 (44)
Double bass 19 8 (42)
Trumpet 30 9 (30)
Mallet instruments 24 7 (29)

手関節と親指の関節過可動の頻度が楽器別に検討されています。声楽家は除いてあります。これらの関節に限れば、フルート奏者に関節過可動が多いことがわかります。続いて、ヴァイオリン、ビオラ、ないしチェロ奏者と続きます。その次に頻度が多いのはオーボエ、クラリネット、ファゴットとなります。最も頻度が低いのは、トランペットと、ドラムや木琴などの打楽器 (Mallet=槌)です。


Instrument Hypermobility No Hypermobility Total P value
no. (%) of subjects no. (%) of subject
 Symptoms 2 (18) 17 (81) 19 0.002
 No symptoms 9 (82) 4 (19) 13
 Total 11 21 32
Mallet instruments
 Symtoms 7 (100) 5 (29) 12 0.005
 No symptoms 0 12 (71) 12
 Total 7 17 24

症状のあるフルート奏者 19名中 2名のみにこれらの関節の過可動がありました。ところが、症状のないフルート奏者 13名で関節過可動があったのは 9名でした。対照的に、これらの関節に過可動がある打楽器奏者全てに症状がありました。58名の音楽家のみに、そのほとんどは弦楽器と鍵盤奏者ですが、演奏時間の延長 (6時間以上) に関連した症状がありました。そういった音楽家の中で、症状のあった 4名のみはこれらの関節の過可動がありませんでした。


Our results suggest that the musculoskeletal symptoms associated with practice and performance may be due to a lack of hypermobility of some joints involved in intensive repetitive motion, or due to hypermobility of joints not involved in repetitive motion but associated with support function. Specially, subjects who played instruments requiring much repetitive motion had symptoms that affected their joints less often if the joints involved in the repetitive motion were hypermobile than if they were not hypermobile. In this situation, hypermobility can be considered an asset. Conversely, subjects with hypermobile joints not involved in repetitive motion but subjected to stress during the activity more often had symptoms than those with joints that were not hypermobile. Hypermobility of these joints can be considered a liability. Thus, hypermobility of the thumb and wrist (including the fingers) can be an asset in playing instruments such as the flute violin, and piano. On the other hand, hypermobility of the spine and to some extent hypermobility of the knees can be a liability during long periods of practice and performance. The stress on the latter joints may be explained in terms of the overuse syndrome – i.e., pain in muscles invilved in support function.

著者らが明らかにしたのは、筋骨格の症状は、反復運動を行う関節の過可動性を欠いたことや、反復運動を行わないがそれをサポートする関節が過可動であることによるのかもしれないということです。特に、反復運動を要求される楽器において、反復運動をする関節に過可動性があれば、症状は出にくくなります。このような状況では、関節過可動は長所となります。逆に、過可動の関節が、反復運動を行う関節ではなく、ストレスがかかる関節にあれば、過可動がない場合より症状が出やすくなります。これらの関節での関節過可動は短所とみなされるかもしれません。そのため、親指や手首(指を含む)の過可動はフルートやヴァイオリン、ピアノを演奏する上で長所となり得ます。一方、脊椎や膝の関節過可動は長時間の演奏にとって短所となり得ます。後者の関節は、「overuse syndrome」と説明されるかもしれません。

Hypermobility may be inherited. Those not so endowed may acquire some degree of hypermobility in the process of training, during which symptoms such as pain and stiffness may occur. Our results support the existence of relations between hypermobility or non-hypermobility of various joints and successful or at least asymptomatic career in music.






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