
By , 2007年12月13日 10:00 PM



という前振りは、あるヴァイオリン製作者の論文を紹介するためのものです。Franjo Kresnikというヴァイオリン製作者がおり、何とその人は医師であったというのです。

Skrobonja A, Muzur A. Dr. Franjo (Franz) Kresnik (1869-1943): a physician and violin maker. Wien Klin Wochenschr 119: 132-135, 2007

Dr. Franjo (Franz) Kresnik (born Wien 1869 – died Rijeka 1943) was an excellent physician and a Central European intellectual, a bohemian mind whose two loves in life made him very special. His passions were medicine and violin making. Most of his life was spent in Susak (now a part of Rijeka, Croatia), where he worked, played music and studied the art of making stringed instruments. He visited Cremona on several occasions and studied a number of violins, drawings and tools made and used by old masters. For his profound knowledge of Cremonese violin making the Italians dubbed him “Uomo che legge violini” (The Man Who Can Read Violins). In his workshop he made fifty-two violins, two violas, two cellos and a string quartet. Some of these instruments are still played in Europe and America. The remaining violins and possessions (tools, manuscripts, drawings, literature and countless diplomas and certificates) have been kept in a memorial room at the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral in Rijeka. In addition, a street near the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka is named after Franjo Kresnik.

論文では、最初に彼の簡単な伝記を紹介しています。 Franjo Kresnik  (1869年にウィーンで生まれ、1943年にリジェカで死亡) は内科医 (実際には小児科医) 兼ヴァイオリン製作者でした。彼は、クレモナで楽器製作の修行をしました。彼のクレモナヴァイオリンへの深い知識を称え、イタリア人達は、彼を “Uomo che legge violini (ヴァイオリンに精通した男)” と評しました。彼は生涯に 52のヴァイオリン、2つのヴィオラ、2つのチェロと、一つのカルテット用の楽器を作りました。これらの楽器の中には、今でもヨーロッパやアメリカで弾かれているものがあります。残ったヴァイオリンと、所有物 (楽器を製作する道具など) はクロアチアのリジェカにある博物館に保管されています。付け加えると、リジェカの医学部近くの通りは、Franjo Kresnikの名からつけられています。

Franjo Kresnik was born in Vienna on 16 December 1869 to a young teacher of classical languages, Franjo Kresnik from Croatia, and Viennese girl, Ottilia Kresnik nee Sachs. The following year the family moved to Rijeka, as Franjo Kresnik Sr was given a teaching position in Croatian grammar school. Later, from 1889 to 1907, he was the school’s headmaster and he also actively participated in all social and cultural event of the town.

父親が、classical languageの先生だったそうです。classical languageというのは、日本で言うところの古文に相当するのでしょうか。母親がウィーンの方と書いてあるので、父親はウィーンで母親と知り合い、そこで、結婚及び出産という運びになったのでしょう。それから父親がCroatian grammar schoolに教職を得たため、家族でRijekaに引っ越したようです。

This background gave Franjo Kresnik Jr the oppotunity not only to learn fine manners and obtain respectable grammar school education but also to express his particular talent for music. At the age of eight he began his violin classes with Prof. Alessandro Scaramelli and soon became his favorite student.


 Having to decide about his future career and education on leaving the grammar school, Franjo Jr found himself in severe dilemma: he had to choose between his love for violin, that is, study of music at Vienna Conservatorium, and pleasing his parents who were determined that he should study medicine. Records are not clear about the immediate outcome of this controversy, but Dr. Kresnik’s official biography mentions that in the winter semester of 1895/96 he left Graz and enrolled at Innsbruk Medical University, from which he graduated on 15 October 1900. For a while he was resident pediatrician at the local pediatric clinic with Prof. Loos, who offered him a specialization and a job at his clinic. However, Dr. Kresnik’s parents intervened once again, and the young phisician returned home to continue private practice almost until he died on 3 June 1943.

論文では、伝記の次に「Between medicine and violin making」という項に進みます。ここでは、彼が主として小児の診断医であったことが書かれています。患者達は彼を慕っていたそうです。次の一文がそれを物語っています。 彼は、医学の道に進むか、音楽の道に進むか、非常に葛藤があったようです。最終的に、ウィーン音楽学校をあきらめ、インスブルック医科大学に入学します。それから、小児科の道に進んだようです。最初はルース教授の小児クリニックで勉強していたようですが、両親の願いにより、実家に戻り、1943年 6月 3日に亡くなるまで、ほぼ独学で勉強していたようです。

 His patients liked him lot, holding him in high esteem, and would not bear a grudge even when they had to wait in the office for Dr. Kresnik to test a new violin or play a tune for his own pleasure.


彼はウィーン、グラーツ、インスブルックにいた頃、様々な演奏家を聴きにいったそうですが、Rijekaに戻ってから、Jaroslav Kocijanというチェコの演奏家の演奏を聴き、再び音楽に対する情熱が湧いてきたそうです。科学者としての好奇心から、彼は音響、技術、さらには化学まで真剣に勉強するようになります。そして、クレモナを訪れ、楽器製作を勉強します。

When he started to make his own violins, his first model was Antonio Stradivari, and later Guarneri. To use his own words, from 1926 on, he had only been copying Josephus Guaarneri del Gesu. A few examples have been kept in the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral in Rijeka.

彼は初期にはAntonio Stradivariをモデルにしていたようですが、最終的にはGuarneriをモデルとするようになったそうです。

From 1933, he made his own type of violin, but the spirit of Guarneri remained. We learn of sturdy instruments with powerful sound, soft and noble timbre, supple to play and even for all strings. Some believe that in the quality of sound several violins of his last, 1940 series match Guarneri and Stradivari.



Within his instruments, Kresnik participated in a number of international exhibitions and shows. On his first exhibition in Rijeka in 1926, he won the Grand Prix and a certificate. In 1937, he acted as expert guide for Cremonese violin making at the exhibition marking the 200th anniversary of Stradivari’s death. In Berlin in 1938, he participated as violin maker, lecturer and representative of the Italian association of arts and crafts. He and his student Carlo Schiavi, a professor at the International School of Violin Making in Cremona, won two of four awars.


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