
By , 2009年11月15日 7:57 PM


鎮痛目的に使用する薬に Buprenorphineというオピオイドがあります。商品名でレペタンというと、癌診療に従事する多くの医師は使ったことがあるでしょう。


この錠剤を自分で溶解して注射した患者が起こした脳梗塞をまとめたのが、今回の Neurology誌の報告です。注射痕が頸部にあり、頸動脈に注射したなどという乱暴なものもあり、にわかには信じられませんでした。日本では聞いたことがありませんが、シンガポールは薬物汚染が進んでいるんでしょうか?


 Neurology. 2009 Sep 15;73(11):876-9.

Embolic stroke associated with injection of buprenorphine tablets.

Lim CC, Lee SH, Wong YC, Hui F.

Department of Neuroradiology, National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore, 11 Jalan Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308433. tchoyoson_lim@nni.com.sg
BACKGROUND: Drug users who crush, dissolve, and inject buprenorphine tablets parenterally may be at risk of severe thromboembolic complications or death. We describe patients with neurologic complications after injecting buprenorphine tablets. METHODS: Brain MRI including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in patients admitted to the neurologic department after injecting buprenorphine tablets were reviewed. RESULTS: Seven men had neurologic complications after buprenorphine tablet injection. In 5 patients, multiple small scattered hyperintense lesions were detected on DWI in the cortex, white matter, and basal ganglia of the cerebral hemisphere; one patient had a single small lesion. The side of MRI abnormality corresponded to the side of needle marks on the neck except in one patient who had bilateral injections. One patient, who denied injecting into the neck, had DWI abnormalities in the middle cerebral artery territory on one side and occlusion of the ipsilateral internal carotid artery. CONCLUSIONS: Buprenorphine tablets can be intentionally or inadvertently injected into the carotid artery, causing a characteristic appearance on diffusion-weighted imaging, consistent with embolic cerebral infarction.

PMID: 19752455 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

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