はり治療後に女性急死 大阪府警、鍼灸院を家宅捜索
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内科外科を問わず、高カロリー輸液の際に鎖骨下静脈に針を刺す手技があり、針が胸膜を突き抜けて気胸を起こすことは時々あります (私は鎖骨下からアプローチをあまりしないので、起こしたことはありませんが)。しかし、細い針を用いた試験穿刺で起こすことはまずなく、本穿刺の際に太い針で起こることがほとんどです。針治療の細い針でひどい気胸が起こることがあるのかなぁ・・・というのが疑問点でした。
[Clinical analysis on 38 cases of pneumothorax induced by acupuncture or acupoint injection]
Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2009 Mar;29(3):239-42.
[Article in Chinese]Zhao DY, Zhang GL.
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Langfang Municipal People’s Hospital, Langfang 065000, China.
OBJECTIVE: To probe into the mechanism of pneumothorax caused by acupuncture or acupoint injection and the preventive methods. METHODS: Retrospectively analyze the clinical original symptoms of 38 cases with pneumothorax caused by acupuncture and acupoint injection, which were divided into four clinical types: dyspnea type, shock type, thoracalgia type and tardy type. Illustrate the relation of the clinical types with severe degrees of pneumothorax, and the mechanism of pneumothorax inducing death of the patient. RESULTS: In the series there were 38 cases with pneumothorax induced by acupuncture or acupoint injection, including 4 cases of dyspnea type, 16 cases of shock type, 14 cases of thoracalgia type, 4 cases of tardy type. After proper treatment, 37 cases were cured and one case of dyspnea type died of tension pneumothorax. CONCLUSION: The mechanism of pneumothorax caused by acupuncture or acupoint injection is that due to the filiform needle tip or the syringe’s needle tip inserting into the lung tissue at the patient’s respiration in acupuncture or acupoint injection, the filiform needle tip or the syringe’s needle tip lacerates the lung tissue. Air in alveolus goes into the thorax pleura cavity to form pneumothorax. In acupuncture or acupoint injection, the needle tip must not insert into the lung tissue, which is a key for prevention of pneumothorax.PMID: 19358511 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
中国語の論文です。abstractのみの紹介で申し訳ないのですが、針治療で気胸の合併症を起こした 38例中 1例が死亡し、呼吸苦タイプだったとされています。つまり針治療は気胸の原因になることがあり、稀に死亡することもあるのですね。
もう一つの可能性としては、心タンポナーデです。胸骨の正中に「midline sternal foramen」と呼ばれる孔が空いている人が、約 6%存在するとの報告があります (Schratter M, et al. The foramen sternale: a minor anomaly–great relevance. Rofo 166: 69-71, 1997)。ここを針が突き抜けて右心室を穿刺する可能性がありますし、肋間から穿刺してしまう可能性もあります。実際に、針治療後に心タンポナーデを起こした報告も存在します (Kirchgatterer A, et al. Cardiac tamponade following acupuncture. Chest 117: 1510-1, 2000)。そして、針治療に伴う心合併症では、7例中 2例死亡したとの報告があります。 (Cheng TO. Cardiac tamponade following acupuncture. Chest 118: 1836-7, 2000)。
Safety of acupuncture: results of a prospective observational study with 229,230 patients and introduction of a medical information and consent form.
Forsch Komplementmed. 2009 Apr;16(2):91-7. Epub 2009 Apr 9.
Witt CM, Pach D, Brinkhaus B, Wruck K, Tag B, Mank S, Willich SN.
Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology, and Health Economics, Charité University Medical Center, Berlin, Germany. claudia.witt@charite.de
BACKGROUND: To evaluate the safety of acupuncture in a large number of patients receiving conventional health care and, based on these results, to develop a new medical consent form for acupuncture. METHODS: The prospective observational study included patients who received acupuncture treatment for chronic osteoarthritis pain of the knee or hip, low back pain, neck pain or headache, allergic rhinitis, asthma, or dysmenorrhoea. After treatment, all patients documented adverse events associated with acupuncture (defined as adverse effects). Patients who reported a need for treatment due to an adverse effect completed an additional standardised questionnaire on the most important adverse effect. Based on this data and considering ethical and legal aspects a new consent form was developed. RESULTS: A total of 229,230 patients received on average 10.2 +/- 3.0 acupuncture treatments. Altogether, 19,726 patients (8.6%) reported experiencing at least one adverse effect and 4,963 (2.2%) reported one which required treatment. Common adverse effects were bleedings or haematoma (6.1% of patients, 58% of all adverse effects), pain (1.7%) and vegetative symptoms (0.7%). Two patients experienced a pneumothorax (one needed hospital treatment, the other observation only). The longest duration of a side effect was 180 days (nerve lesion of the lower limb). The resulting medical consent form consists of five modules: Introduction to acupuncture and moxibustion, Risks of acupuncture treatment, Conditions which can increase the risk, Doctor’s statement, and Consent. CONCLUSION: Acupuncture provided by physicians is a relatively safe treatment and the proposed consent form could support both patients and professionals in the process of obtaining informed consent. Copyright (c) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel.
PMID: 19420954 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
この報告によると、229,230人の患者が平均 10.2±3.0回の治療を受けました。8.6%の患者に合併症が生じ、2.2%は治療を必要としました。最も多かったのが血腫 (6.1%)、その他、疼痛 (1.7%)、自律神経症状 (0.7%) でした。2名が気胸を起こしました (1例は病院で治療が必要で、1例は自然軽快)。